The Letter “J”

Words that begin with the letter “J”:

  • jabber
  • jacks
  • Jack and Jill
  • Jack and the Beanstalk
  • Jack Be Nimble
  • jack in a box
  • jackrabbit
  • Jack Russell terrier
  • jackal
  • jacket
  • jack-o-lantern
  • jackpot
  • jacks
  • jacuzzi
  • jade
  • jag
  • jagged
  • jaguar
  • jalapeño
  • jalopy
  • jam
  • jam session
  • Jamaica
  • jamb
  • jambalaya
  • jamberry
  • jamboree
  • jammed
  • jangle
  • janitor
  • January
  • Japan
  • jar
  • jargon
  • jasmine
  • jasper
  • jaunt
  • java
  • jaw
  • jay (blue jay)
  • jazz
  • jealous
  • jeans
  • jeep
  • Jello
  • jelly
  • jellybean
  • jellyfish
  • jellyroll
  • jeopardy
  • jerky
  • jersey
  • jester
  • jet
  • jet-black
  • jewel
  • jewelry
  • jibber
  • jiffy
  • jig
  • jigsaw puzzle
  • jingle
  • jingle bells
  • jinx
  • jitterbug
  • job
  • jock
  • joey (baby kangaroo)
  • jog
  • Johnny Appleseed
  • johnnycake
  • join
  • joint
  • joke
  • jolly
  • jolly rancher
  • jolt
  • jot
  • journal
  • journey
  • joy
  • jubilant
  • jubilee
  • judge
  • jug
  • juggle
  • juice
  • jujube
  • jukebox
  • July
  • jumble
  • jumbo
  • jump
  • jump rope
  • jumper
  • jumping jacks
  • June
  • jungle
  • junior
  • juniper
  • junk
  • Jupiter
  • jury
  • just
  • justice
  • Arts and Crafts

    Coffee Anthills

    Have your child use ant stamps to create an ant scene. When dry, add a mixture of coffee grounds, glue, and brown paint to create an anthill. Allow to dry completely.

    Jingle Bells

    You will need yarn, a pencil, craft bells, styrofoam cups and decorating materials. Have the children decorate their cup. Cut a piece of yarn, no longer than the height of the cup. Tie the yarn to the bell. Then poke a small hole on the bottom of the cup. Thread the yarn through the hole so the bell is inside the cup. Tie the yarn in a knot (or a couple of knots) so it will not come loose. Now you have a bell.

    Jingle Bell Jewelry

    You will need to make these for the children. Older children can do the threading. Simply thread craft bells onto a small piece of elastic, long enough to fit around your children’s ankle or wrist. Then sew the two ends together. These can be used for group time dancing, songs and games below.

    Jungle Map

    Tear a large piece of paper from a brown grocery bag. Lie the paper flat and have the children create a jungle map on the paper. You may use black paint and markers for the map. They can use stamps, stickers, pictures from magazines or draw the animals they might see.

    Cotton Jackrabbit

    Let your child glue cotton balls to a piece of paper in the form of a jackrabbit.

    Jackrabbit Headbands

    Measure your child’s head, and cut a piece of construction paper long enough to create a headband. Glue the paper together so the headband fits snugly on your child’s head but is loose enough to take off easily. Cut from gray paper two ears, and then pink paper for the “inner” ear. Let your child help you glue the pink ear to the gray ear. It’s okay if it’s a little off, it’s art! Then, either staple or glue the ears to the headband. Have fun, and encourage your child to act like a jackrabbit. Have them hop around, and eat carrots for a snack!

    Paper Plate Jellyfish

    Have your child cut a paper plate in half. Have the child draw eyes on the plate, then glue on pieces of crepe paper to the bottom as arms. When dry hang by a window to see the jellyfish “swim”.

    Jungle Vests

    Make and decorate vests from paper grocery bags.
    Take a paper bag, and cut a straight line in the middle of the front from the top to the bottom. The bottom of the bag will be the top of the vest. Cut out the neck and holes for your childs arms. Let your child decorate, and wear.

    Jungle Vines

    Have the children create many different leaves and animals and hang them from brown yarn around the room to represent vines.

    Create a Jeweled Crown

    Measure your child’s head, and cut a piece of construction paper long enough to create a headband. Cut the construction paper to form the design of a crown. The children can decorate the crown with crayons, markers, paint, glitter and jewels (bling). Glue the paper together so the headband fits snugly on your child’s head but is loose enough to take off easily.

    Jeep Prints

    Click here to see an example.
    In a pie tin, place 3 to 5 teaspoon-sized portions of different colored tempera paint evenly spaced about the area. Supply the children with a washable toy jeep that has wheels that roll. Have the children dip the wheels in the paint and roll across the paper.

    “J” Sponge Painting

    Supply the children with “J” shaped sponges and paint. Have the child dip the sponge into the paint and press gently onto a piece of paper.

    Cookie Cutter Painting

    Put a small amount of tempera paint in a large shallow container. (A pie tin works well) Show your child how to dip the cookie cutter in the paint and press onto a piece of paper to create a print. You may make “J” themed pictures by using cookie cutters and colored paper.

    Make Your own Jigsaw Puzzle

    Have your child draw a picture on construction paper. Cover the picture with transparent contact paper. Cut the picture into pieces, depending on your childs ability level. (Start at 2 pieces) Show your child how to put the picture back together again. For older children you can have them color a picture from coloring book. And do the same.

    Make a Necklace

    You can obtain beads from any craft store. I suggest a shoestring, but you can use yarn, and just tape one end. To start, thread one bead, and tie one end around the bead, so it won’t slip off. Have your child string the beads as he/she wishes, until they are finished. Untie the first bead, and tie the two ends together. As your child progresses with this activity suggest simple patterns. You could even play a game, match my necklace. You make a necklace and have your child try to match it. Start simple with 3 to 5 beads, and progressively add to the patterns.

    Balloon Jack-O-Lanterns

    Blow up an orange balloon and let the child use a black marker, stickers, or finger paint to create facial features. Ask the -child how does the jack-o-lantern feel?

    Paper Plate Jack-O-Lanterns

    Have your child paint a paper plate orange. When dry, have the child glue on pieces of black construction paper for the facial features. These pieces may be cut with scissors or torn, depending on your child’s ability level. For older children, try using glue to form the facial features and sprinkle glitter, or various items (i.e. buttons, beans, noodles, pebbles) on the glue.

    Jack-O-Lantern Puppets

    Each child should cut out a pumpkin shape from orange construction paper. Then either cut out facial features, or color them on with a black crayon. Paste to the bottom of a paper lunch bag. Then add a green construction paper stem.

    Jack-O-Lantern Seed Art

    Collect pumpkin seeds from inside a pumpkin. Let them air dry and have the children use the pumpkin seeds to make a collage.

    Jack-O-Lantern Seed Shakers

    You need:
    dried pumpkin seeds
    two paper plates for each child
    a stapler

    Have the children put some seeds on one of the paper plates (bottom side down). Next, have them place the other plate on top of the first plate (bottom side up). Help the children staple their plates together with the seeds inside. Let the children paint, use markers or crayons to decorate their shakers.

    Fingerprint Jack-O-Lanterns

    Have the children make orange fingerprints on a piece of paper. Use a non-toxic orange ink pad. Show the children how to use one finger at a time. Use a green pen to draw stems on the paper and draw vines to connect some of the pumpkins. (You can do this for younger children or have older children draw the vines and stem themselves).

    Jagged Scizzors

    Let children cut paper with jagged scissors and glue the pieces onto a piece of paper.

    Junk Art

    Ask parents to bring in their unwanted “junk” for the children to create a 3-D art project.

    Blue Jay Collages

    Have the children cut out pictures of blue jays from magazines, and glue them onto a piece of paper for a collage.

    The Letter “J” Collage

    Have the children cut out the letter “J” from magazines and glue them onto a piece of paper that is in the shape of a “J”.

    Another “J” Collage

    Have the children cut out items that begin with the letter “J” from magazines and glue them onto a piece of paper that is in the shape of a “J”.

    “J” Placemats

    Do any of the above collages on a rectangular piece of paper, then laminate the paper and use it for a placemat.

    Paper Plate Blue Jay Mask

    Have the children paint a paper plate blue. When dry have the children add blue feathers and a nose. Cut out holes for the eyes and add a Popsicle stick to the back of the plate near the bottom with glue.

    Blue Jay Feather Painting

    Provide each child with a blue feather, paint and paper. Ask the children paint a picture using the feather as a paintbrush.

    Jigsaw Puzzle Art

    Children can glue old puzzle pieces to a piece of paper to create a picture or they can glue them to a frame-shaped piece of tagboard or card stock to create a picture frame for a nice gift.

    Stamping Patterns

    Use rubber stamps to create a simple pattern on the top half of a piece of paper. (Use can use the letter “J” in different fonts, or other shapes that begin with “j”) Ask your child to help you recreate the pattern on the bottom half of the paper. Tip: Start with one stamp, and have your child pick which stamp you used. Start slowly and work your way up to more complicated patterns.

    Math, Science, and Games

    Picture Matching

    Find “J” or words that begin with “J” stickers. Place 2 identical stickers on the left and right sides of an index card. Cut the index in half, cut in a jig-jag form. Use a highlighter to highlight the edges. Do this with many different stickers. Have the child match the stickers, and line up the two halves of the index card.


    Find stickers that represent words that begin with the letter “J” or print pictures off the internet. Place 2 identical stickers or pictures on the left and right sides of an index card. Cut the index in half, cut the index card in half. You can use these cards to play memory.

    “J” Sizing

    Draw different sized “J”s and laminate them. Have the children arrange the “J”s according to size.

    “J” Sort

    Draw different items that begin with the letter “J” and have the children sort the items. Or you can cut out pictures from a magazine or get them off the internet and glue each onto a separate piece of paper. Have the children sort the pictures.

    Jam Taste Test

    Make one slice of toast for each child in the class for a snack. Cut each piece into four pieces. On each piece spread one of four different jelly flavors. Have the children try each of the flavors and vote on their favorite.

    Jello Taste Test

    Make three or four different kinds of jello. Have each child try jello of all the flavors and graph their favorite.

    Jam Session

    Get out your musical instruments and have a jam session.

    Jack-O-Lantern Science

    What is inside a pumpkin? Let the children explore the insides of a pumpkin. It’s a great sensory experience.

    Jack-O-Lantern Seeds

    Save the pumpkin seeds from a pumpkin. Boil 2 cups seeds in 1 quart water with 2 tbls salt for 10 minutes. Drain the seeds and toss them in 1 tblsp of butter. Spread the seeds on a baking pan, and bake for 30 minutes. Stir frequently.

    Jack-O-Lantern Faces

    Provide the children with many different pumpkin faces. Ask the children which pumpkin is happy? How does this pumpkin feel? How does that pumpkin make you feel?

    Box Jump Game

    Set out a few box tops for your child to jump in and out of. Or line up three or four box tops, and have your child jump from box top to box top.

    Kid Jeopardy

    Tell your child you are going to play a game, where they come up with the answers and you come up with the questions. Let’s say that they say “cat”, you could say “What is an animal with four legs and a tail?” Play this way for a little until they get the hang of it, then switch, you say the answers and let them think of the questions.

    “J” Red Rover

    Apply Jack-o-Lantern, Jaws (shark), Blue Jay, and/or other J theme stickers onto 3×5 index cards. Affix yarn to the cards to create necklaces. Each child gets one card to wear. The game: “red rover red rover, send your Blue Jays on over” and the Blue Jays runs to the other side.

    “J” Name Classic Games

    • Simon says becomes “The Jack-O-Lantern says.”
    • Mother May I can be “Blue Jay may I?”
    • Duck duck goose can become “Jelly, Jelly, Jam.”

    Jump in the Hoop

    Set a hula hoop on the floor. Play some music and have your child walk around the hula hoop. When the music stops, have them jump into the hoop.

    Jump over the “J”

    Cut out a letter “J” and have the children try to jump over it.

    Jackets in the Dramatic Play Area

    Supply the children with a variety of different styled jackets to play with. This activity will provide the children with the opportunity to try zipping, buttoning, and snapping.

    Graph It!

    Have the children graph their favorite color jelly bean, favorite flavor or jello or jelly.

    Jet Balloons

    Inflate a balloon. Ask your child, “What will happen if I let go?” Let go!!!

    Jellybean Jar

    For older children. Fill a small jar with jellybeans. Ask each child to guess how many jellybeans are in the jar. For younger children, limit the number of jellybeans to less than ten. Record each child’s guess. Count the jellybeans.

    Jellybean Jar for School-Age Children

    Provide three identical jars with pre-counted jellybeans of 20, 30, and 40. Label these jars 20, 30 and 40. Place 20 to 40 jellybeans in a fourth identical jar. Allow the children to examine all four jars before they guess. Record the children’s approximations. Count the jellybeans.

    Jumping Race

    Have the children line up and have them jump forward to a finish line.

    Jump Up

    Place a piece of long velcro vertically on a wall. Give the child a small piece of velcro (the opposite of what is on the wall) and ask the child to jump as high as they can and stick the velcro to the strip. Each child can try three times.

    Jump Forward

    Have each child stand on a starting line and jump forward as far as they can. Measure the distance.

    Be a Jellyfish

    I suggest that you get a book from the library about fish, that includes a little info about jellyfish, and read it to your child before this activity. Staple pieces of crepe paper around a piece of yarn. Tie the yarn around the waist of a child… now they are a jellyfish.

    Jack in a Box

    Cut the top off a box and have a child duck inside. Play music and have the child pop out when the music stops. Children can also do this activity as a group with more than one box, or without the boxes.

    Sand and Water Table

    Add plastic “jewels” to the sand table. Have the children use a sifter to try to find the jewels.

    Jingle Bell Balancing (Ages 3+)

    Supply the children with bells and a balance. Show the children how to make the balance even. Count the bells on each side.

    Jingle Bell Ringing (Ages 3+)

    Supply the children with many different bells. What different sounds do they make. How are the sounds different.

    Jingle Bell Ringing 2 (Ages 3+)

    Supply the children with pairs of bells. Mix them up. See if they can find their matches by the sound.

    Jingle Bell Sort (Ages 3+)

    Provide the children with many different kinds of bells to sort by size or color.

    Jingle Bells on Shoes (Ages 3+)

    Younger children will enjoy this activity. You can thread craft bell onto the shoelaces of your children. Then have your children walk around, dance, or stomp.


    Provide children with Jasmine scented lotion or soap to try. Ask them to describe the smell.

    Java Scent

    The children can smell fresh ground coffee and tell you what it smells like. You can also provide different flavors, like hazelnut or french vanilla and see if they can tell the difference.

    Java Beans

    You can put coffee beans in a small dishpan and allow a few children at a time to experience feeling them and smelling them. Provide cups, spoons, and other small containers.

    Java Balance

    Allow the children to use the coffee beans with the balance. Show the children how to determine which side weighs more, and how to make it even. Then let them experiment on their own.

    Jump it!

    Provide the children with an inclined plane. (Can be made with a propped-up board). Have each child find an item in the class that begins with the letter “J,” or have some items set out for them. Ask the children if the item will roll down or slide down the ramp, or if it will not move. Then try it with each item. Have each child guess what the item that they picked out will do.

    Jellybean Sort

    To prepare: You will need jellybeans and a clean egg carton. Color the bottom of one row in the carton various colors that match the colors of the jellybeans you are using, i.e. red, purple.
    To play: The children sort the jellybeans into the appropriate hole.

    Jelly Bean Taste Test

    Have the children try three or four different types of jelly beans and ask them to record their favorite on a graph.

    Jelly Bean Balancing:

    Supply the children with jelly beans and a balance. Show the children how to make the balance even. Count the jelly beans on each side.

    Jerseys in the Dress-Up

    Provide the children with a variety of jerseys in the dress-up area.

    Pretend to be a Jet

    Have the children pretend to be jet airplanes and move around the room.

    Jigsaw Puzzles

    Provide the children with a variety of jigsaw puzzles to play with.

    Jigsaw Puzzle Race

    Divide the group into equal teams. Give each team a puzzle that contains the same amount of pieces and as a team they have to put it together.

    Joey Jump

    Have the children jump around the room like a baby kangaroo (called a Joey). You could also have a joey jump race, or when playing musical chairs they can jump like a joey. You could even play Jazz while they jump.


    Have the children jog around outside or jog in place inside.

    Joke Book

    Have each child tell you their favorite joke. Write down each of their jokes and compile them for a class joke book that you can share with the parents.


    You can keep a classroom journal for the week asking the children as a group what they would like to add to the journal. Or each child can have their own journal where you could record one comment each day. Another option, parents can help you with the journalling. Each day the parent would have a journal prompt “today I had fun ……” and the child would tell the parent what to write. This could be done at home, or when the parent picks up the child.


    Have the children try to juggle bean bags.


    Have a juice taste test. Have them record their favorite juice on a graph. You could also blindfold one child at a time and ask them to try to guess what juice they have.

    June and July

    The summer months. Talk about what we do in the summer that is special.


    Talk about words that mean big. Record all the words on a jumbo piece of paper.

    Jump Rope

    At preschool age most children will not be able to master a jump rope, but you can lay it on the ground and have them walk along it like a tight rope, they can jump over it. You can also have everyone hold onto one and have them follow you around the playground.


    Jump Song

    (child’s name), (child’s name) Jump up and Down
    Jump up and down, Jump up and Down
    (child’s name), (child’s name) Jump up and Down
    Now Sit Back down

    Everyone, everyone, Jump up and Down,
    now spin all around, now jump up and down,
    everyone everyone, touch the ground,
    not spin all around, spin all around,
    Everyone Everyone, jump up and down,
    now sit back down.

    Jump Jim Joe

    Jump, jump Jump Jim Joe, (students jump up and down)
    Shake your head (they shake their heads)
    Nod your head (students nod their heads)
    Tap your toes (students tap toes)
    Round and round and round you go (students go around in a circle)
    Go and wash your hands…. WITH SOAP (Students go off to wah their hands)

    Who Stole the Jelly Chant

    Class: Who stole the Jelly from the Jelly Jar?
    Teacher: (Ann) stole the Jelly from the Jelly Jar?
    Ann: Who me?
    Class: Yes you!
    Ann: Couldn’t be!
    Class: Then who?
    Ann: (Tommy) stole the Jelly from the Jelly jar?
    Tommy: Who me?
    Class: Yes you!
    Tommy: Couldn’t be!
    Class: Then who? [Repeat]

    For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow

    For he/she’s a jolly good fellow,
    For he/she’s a jolly good fellow
    For he/she’s a jolly good fellow

    Which nobody can deny
    Which nobody can deny,
    Which nobody can deny
    For he/she’s a jolly good fellow,
    For he/she’s a jolly good fellow
    For he/she’s a jolly good fellow

    Which nobody can deny.

    Frere Jacques

    Frère Jacques,
    Frère Jacques,
    Dormez vous?
    Dormez vous?
    Sonnez les matines,
    Sonnez les matines,
    Din, din, don!
    Din, din, don!

    Are you sleeping,
    Are you sleeping?
    Brother John?
    Brother John?
    Morning bells are ringing,
    Morning bells are ringing,
    Ding ding dong,
    Ding ding dong.

    Who is Wearing Jeans Today?

    Who is wearing jeans today, jeans today jeans today?
    Who is wearing jeans today? All day long.

    Child’s name is wearing jeans today, jeans today, jeans today.
    Child’s name is wearing jeans today. All day long.

    Go through all the children wearing jeans.
    Child’s name is wearing blue jean, blue jeans, blue jeans.
    Child’s name is wearing blue jeans. All day long.
    (Sub. the correct color for each child)

    Musical Chairs

    Arrange the chairs in a circle. If you have younger children, it is best to have too many chairs. Tape a picture of something that begins with the letter “J” to each chair. This can be a game where everyone wins. Have the children dance a Jig around the chairs until the jazz music stops. Then everyone finds a chair. Ask “Who has the Jacket?” “Who sat on the bluejay?” etc.
    The same game can be played without chairs. Place the pictures evenly about the floor and when the music stops the children find a picture to stand on.


    Have the children dance to Jazz music. “Feet Don’t Fail Me Now” is one of my favorites.


    Snacks Beginning with “J”:

    • Jello
    • Jellybeans
    • Juice
    • Juju Bees
    • Jam
    • Jelly
    • Jelly Donut
    • Johnnycake
    • Jumbalya