
Preschool lesson plans all about feet, including arts and crafts, games, math, science, and group time activities.

Arts and Crafts

Making Footprints

Supply the children with a variety of different animal track stamps. Allow the children to create a picture using the stamps with nontoxic ink pads.

Footprint Snowman

Snowman Foot

Click here to see an image of this project
Paint a child’s foot white. Press the foot onto a piece of blue paper. When dry add eyes, nose and mouth to the head (heel of the foot) and other features.

Beach Scene

You will need butcher paper, paint and a paintbrush. Paint the bottom on one child’s feet. Have the child walk across the bottom half of the paper. Paint another child’s feet a different color and repeat. You can probably put about 5 or 6 children on one sheet. Paint the children’s hands green and have them place their handprints at the top of the sheet with fingers outspread. The hands with be the tops of palm trees and their feet will be footprints in the sand. Draw brown trunks for the trees and glue sand to the bottom half of the page. You can have the children paint the top with a mixture of blue paint and shaving cream for a cool blue sky.

Toy Fossil Feet

To make fossil feet, fill a paper cup half full with damp sand. Press the foot of a large plastic toy animal such as a dinosaur or lion into the sand so you can see the footprint in the sand. Pour plaster of Paris into the cup and allow to dry. When dry, the fossils are ready. Peel away the cup and remove most of the sand.

Footprint Tips

When making footprints (or handprints) with paint it is best to use clean feet (or hands). To make a clearer image, paint the child’s feet (or hands) instead of dipping them in paint. Using an ink pad to make prints is also very effective.

Footprint Turkeys

Paint the child’s foot brown and press onto a piece of paper. This will be the turkey’s body. Paint the child’s fingers and hand different colors, this will be the feathers. When dry cut out the foot and handprint. Affix the handprint behind the footprint. Add features such as waddle, beak eyes and feet with construction paper or pen.

Footprint Butterflies

Paint the child’s foot black and press onto a piece of paper. This will be the butterfly’s body. Paint the child’s fingers and hands in different colors, this will be the wings. When dry cut out the foot and handprint. Affix the handprint behind the footprint. Add features such as antennae and eyes.

Children Fossil Feet

Fill a dishpan with about three inches of damp sand. Have the child press their foot into the sand to make an impression. Pour plaster of Paris into the footprint and allow to dry. Write the child’s initials and date into the plaster of Paris with a small pointed object. When dry, the fossils are ready. Remove from the dishpan and remove sand from the print.

Math, Science, and Games

One Foot or Two?

Talk about how if you are talking about one object, it is “a foot,” and more than one is “feet.”

Does it have feet?

Talk about different kinds of animals that have feet and don’t. Talk about the number of feet each animal has. What objects have feet (chair, table)?

Animal Footprints

Obtain a stamp of various different kinds of animal tracks. Show the children which is which.

Footprint Fun

On a day that the snow has just fallen, ask the children to describe the snow on the ground. The children should see that there snow is smooth, and there aren’t any footprints in the snow. Have the children walk across the snow, and have them turn around and look at their footprints. Have them follow their footprints back.

Foot Measurement

Trace each child’s right foot and write their name on their footprint. Laminate the footprints so they will last longer. Use the footprints with the following activities.

Find Two Items

Have the children take their footprints around the room. Ask them to bring back to circle time one item that is longer that their foot and one that is shorter than their foot.

Measuring With My Foot

Have the children measure a variety of different items with their footprint. How many feet across is the table? The Door?

Foot Sort

If you have used different colors to create the feet, you can place all the feet on a table and have the children sort the feet by color.

Feet Sizing

Set out four different-sized footprints. Have the children arrange the feet from small to big.

Foot Friend

Place the footprints into a bag and when you need partners have the children draw a footprint for a partner.

Ordering the Feet

Write numbers on the back of each foot. Have the children place the feet in order from 1 to…?

Group Time Activities

Fossil Feet Match

Have the children match the fossil feet to the toy used to create it.

Fossil Feet Search

Place your fossil feet into the sand table and have the children search for fossils.

Follow the Footprints

Trace each child’s footprints in a different color of paper. Cut out many different copies of each footprint set from each color of paper. Use contact paper to attach the footprints about the room, having a red trail of footprints, and another trail with blue, etc. Have the children follow the footprints.

Footprint Lineup

Trace your set of footprints in different colors of paper. Cut out one set of your footprint set from each color of paper. Use contact paper to attach the footprints to the floor where the children normally line up. Each child can stand on one set of footprints when lining up.

Footprint Fishing

Tie 3 feet of string to a wooden spoon. Attach a magnet to the end of the string. Cut and laminate many different colored, and sized footprints from construction paper. Attach a paper clip to each foot. Spread the feet shapes on the floor and let your child try to catch the fish. Have them try to catch the red foot.. or the biggest foot.